Embree 3

Follow the following steps if you want Rmagine to work with Embree 3:

user@pc:~$ git clone https://github.com/embree/embree.git --branch v3.13.5
user@pc:~$ mkdir embree/build && cd embree/build
user@pc:~/embree/build$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
user@pc:~/embree/build$ make -j`nproc`
user@pc:~/embree/build$ sudo make install

During the cmake-process errors could occur. The following flags could fix it. You can edit them by calling ccmake . in build directory.

# The Intel Implicit SPMD Program Compiler is not necessarily needed 
# Tasking system: TBB/Internal. You can choose INTERNAL if TBB is not installed
# Tutials are not needed for library compilation

Or you can pass the arguments directly to cmake for the minimal build